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THE THRESHOLD COLLECTIVE serves individuals and families in their end of life journeys.   Our team is comprised of skilled artisans and caring professionals committed to helping people tell their story, communicate what is important to them, and die as well as they have lived.   We offer a range of services from one off consultations to full project management.  
We work with you to create:
  • films of your memories, stories, life values and legacy messages
  • personal and meaningful funerals
  • dignity and heritage journals for future generations
  • workshops to help families create meaningful family heirlooms and artworks
  • commissioned artworks honouring the life and love of a loved one

The Omega Conversations are 2 hour workshops designed for small numbers so everyone gets the opportunity to speak and listen.  Our workshops are informative, engaging and interactive without being invasive.  


Great space to;- ask tough questions, explore what's important, consider how you live while dying, leave a lasting legacy.   



THURSDAY 11th APRIL          7pm-9pm

This workshop helps you explore your beliefs and values and how you live from them.  We also look at whats involved in leaving a legacy for loved ones.   Hear from others and take some space to explore your own thoughts and feelings around how to live out your values.   

$25 includes workbook



THURSDAY 16th MAY         7pm-9pm

In this workshop you will learn some ways of opening up a conversation about death and dying.  You will also gain some useful tips in how to listen and be heard.

$25 includes workbook



THURSDAY 13th JUNE             7pm - 9pm

This workshop helps you explore your beliefs and values and how you live from them.  We also look at whats involved in leaving a legacy for loved ones.   Hear from others and take some space to explore your own thoughts and feelings around how to live out your values.   

$25  includes workbook 




You cannot go wrong with the Threshold Collective.  Saying goodbye to loved ones is never an easy task to do.  It was a time I didn't want anything left unsaid.  The Threshold Collective provided help and answers in a difficult time. 

They were about giving the support and encouragement we needed, from people who have been there and done that. Not only taking care of the practical issues but more importantly the spiritual and relational ones.  I highly recommend the team.


Wes Leake

CEO Business Builder. People Coach

Dancers, Writers, Journal Makers, Story Collectors, Glass Artists, Painters, Poets, & Textile Artists.


Instead of spending our time avoiding the inevitable how do we die well?  How do we ensure we speak truth, give love and leave gentle and life giving memories for those who remain? 
Have you considered how you would like to be remembered?   What you want to leave as lasting memories for your family?
Have you been able to say all that needs to be said?
The Threshold Collective is committed to helping individuals and families take some of the sting out of death and dying by creating meaningful and healing moments during the end of life journey.  It's about how we travel a journey many of us dont want to traverse. 

MarDee never just hears what you have to say.  She is one who knows how to truly sit with someone. To hold space. To listen to the words and listen to that which isn’t spoken, moreover to listen to the whisper that lies beneath it all.


She is able to listen, but it doesn’t just stop there. She then takes the deep yearnings heard and reflects them back to the speaker that they may see themselves and the world in a different way. She does this for individuals. She does this for communities. She does this for creatives. She does this for the grieving. She builds a nest and the people come and find rest, they find one who deeply cares for them.   And how do I know this – I have sat in that nest many a time over the last ten years.


Joel McKerrow

Poet. Performer. Educator.


Mardee Kaylock

"For me working with the Threshold Collective is not just a job, its a calling."
What greater honour is there than to be invited to help someone celebrate their life or prepare for their death? 
One of the best gifts I received when my mum passed was being invited into a private recording studio to tell my stories of her. 
I sat  alone in a dark booth with only the engineers voice in my ears.  
I told him our stories, I cried, I swore, I laughed, I remembered, 
and we shared a bottle of wine. 
Once my friend cast his genius over my mess, we had a poignant, life giving,  laughter enticing and authentic tribute to my beloved mum.  I didn't speak at her funeral but played the recording with a photo collage and the people knew who she was and how much she was loved.  
I want to help others in their unique way to do the same.
MarDee is an observer, listener, artist, writer and student of the heart.  The youngest in her family she grew up amid conversations of life, art, spirituality, death, football, prison and the rhythms of Warrandyte river.
She has studied and been mentored by some incredible elders in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Canada, and Europe.  She holds qualifications in Education, Performing Arts, and Counselling from the University of Melbourne, and Theology (specialising in Spiritual Direction) from the University of Divinity.  
She has over 35 years experience in theatre and during those years she performed, directed and produced both locally and overseas earning respect as a theatre practitioner.  As a teacher, counsellor, and suicide intervention trainer she has worked in local government, state education and community service sectors.  She was the director of a national arts organisation, and creative director for several festivals in Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. 
Currently MarDee works as a mentor, spiritual director and funeral celebrant as well as coordinating The Threshold Collective.  Her work involves facilitating spiritual & creative workshops and retreats for individuals, groups and organisations around Australia.  MarDee brings to her work exceptional listening skills and a deep care for people, creating places of healing and spaces for the heart stories to be shared.
She has had the privilege of accompanying others in their death journeys and has experienced personal grief and heart felt honouring after the death of several members of her family. 

I've watched MarDee and her team from a distance and I've taken in the scope of what she can do: 

She is an outstanding curator with a deep understanding of aesthetics, mood, process and the integration of art and experience.   I've also worked with her close up personally.  She is sensitive, caring, creative, joy-filled and profoundly personal. She listens. She responds with head and heart. 

She sees beauty and dignity in all persons. In a word, she is 'genuine'.


Andrew Palmer  

Founder/Director The Beyond Festival Australia 

During significant “life-moments”, we seek out people who are qualified in their field?  We look for ones who have the experience, expertise, courage and sensitivity to be entrusted with such “life-moments”.

The Collectives' director MarDee has a profound effectiveness for stepping into significant “life-moments” with people.  She has developed a huge capacity in facilitating with hope and I have seen her expertise.  MarDee has worked in different sectors in the community and offers expertise from many perspectives.  She has successfully facilitated opportunities for individuals, families, groups and communities to create memorable “life-moments”.

Next time you are aware of a significant ‘life-moment”, consider how you might discover the quality of input, direction,

creativity and joy through this teams unique and powerful work.


Di Hocking

Jesuit Community Services



Our professional team are available to assist you in creating lasting memories, beautiful moments and engage in the tougher conversations as needed.


We understand that this is a sensitive and uniquely personal journey and we are here to help with any questions you may have.


Write or give us a call to discuss your journey.


Thanks! Message sent.

MarDee's interest is not about running a business, she is interested in creating ways of healing. The way she talks with a friend, listens, encourages, and waits with them, is also the way she approaches her professional world. I have been impacted personally by her words, thoughtful responses, and needed laughter. MarDee is professional, intelligent, efficient and yet kind, understanding, gracious and deeply knowing with people.  


Roma Waterman  

Award Winning Songwriter, Speaker, Author

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